In order to make up for the dearth of posting in the past few weeks, we are bringing you an expanded edition of Around the Web--with over a dozen links to interesting and newsworthy posts and pages!
- WIRED has a piece entitled "Forgotten Memories Are Still in Your Brain."
- Interior Traces is a curious and fascinating "six-part radio drama, video, performance, and debate"!
- Brain Stimulant has a recent piece on "Transformative Brain Projects."
- Research Digest Blog has a post entitled "Resting State Brain Networks Are Stable."
- IEEE Spectrum has a post entitled "The Brain Machine Interface, Unplugged."
- New Scientist has two interesting articles: (a) "Free Flying Cyborg Insects," and (b) "My Little Zebra: The Secrets of Domestication."
- Neurological Correlates has a piece entitled "Manic Monday: Grouchy Before Coffee?"
- Penn's recently formed Center for Neuroscience & Society has announced an exciting upcoming conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Society.
- Paul Wolpe has a piece in Forbes entitled "Is My Mind Mine?"
- Practical Ethics has an post on "The Ethics of Mind-Reading."
- Adam Kolber has posted an interesting new paper entitled "The Experiential Future of Law."
- Over at Experimental Philosophy, there are two recent posts about upcoming events that some of you might find of interest: (a) Experiments in the Humanities, and (b) Experiment Boot Camp. If you live in the NY/NJ area, you should check them out!
- David Brooks has an interesting op-ed in the NY Times about social cognitive neuroscience entitled "The Young and the Neuro."