Here is the latest installment of Around the Web...
Neuroethics has recently published the following interesting articles:
- "The BCN Challenge to Compatibilist Free Will and Personal Responsibility" (Sie and Wuters)
- "Does Neuroscience Undermine Deontological Theory?" (Dean)
- "Why ‘Willusionism’ Leads to ‘Bad Results’" (Nahmias)
- "Response to ‘Free Will as Advanced Action Control for Human Social Life and Culture’"(Holton)
- "Are Disorders Sufficient for Reduced Responsibility?" (Turner)
Novel Tech Ethics recently posted several podcasts about neuroethics.
The Stanford Law School Blog has a recent post entitled "Neuroscience and Sentencing."
Neuroethics at the Core has the following three posts:
- "Major step forward in developing ‘real’ pharmacological cognitive enhancers"
- "A Conversation on the Neuroethics of War"
- "Neuroethics & the trolley problem"
Youtube has a video lecture by Evan Thompson on Neuroscience and Free Will.
The Jury Room has a post entitled “Aggression genes”, Asperger’s and Absolution (for criminal acts)."
SEED has a summary of a recent talk by our own Michael Gazzaniga on neurolaw.
The Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences Blog has a post about neuro-lie detection.
BBC has a post entiteld "What's My Brain's Motivation?"