Amy Wouters has asked me to post an announcement for the followings series of workshops in the Netherlands:
Three workshops on Moral Agency, Deliberative Awareness, and Conscious Control
Department of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Friday and Saturday 15–16 October 2010: Strawsonian and Consequentialist Views on Personal Responsibility
Friday and Saturday 16–17 September 2011: Everyday Reason Talk
Friday and Saturday 8-9 June 2012: Narrativity, interpretation and responsibility
In this series of workshops we explore fundamental issues concerning moral agency (free will, personal responsibility, acting for reasons) in relation to relevant research in the behavioral, cognitive, and neurosciences. Although we are interested in critical papers with regard to these developments and the aforementioned topics in moral philosophy, we especially seek constructive contributions, fruitfully bringing together research from these two areas, resulting in new and exciting philosophical problems, answers to traditional philosophical puzzles, or conceptual refinement with the help of philosophical concepts of interesting empirical research.
The workshops aim to discuss work in progress, such that subsequent papers can be revised and collectively published (in a special issue or volume). At the workshop 30 minute slots will be available for presentation of the papers, followed by 45 minutes of discussion (including comments of invited commentators). Drafts will be distributed two weeks in advance of the workshop.
For the first workshop, please send an extended abstract (about 1500 words, pdf or plain text) of your intended paper and/or your interest in active participation as a commentator, and a short bio (related to your research) or list of publications before April 8th, 2010 to Nicole van Voorst Vader ([email protected]).
Notification of acceptance will be based on these abstracts and can be expected the first week of June.
The paper itself is expected six weeks before the start of the workshop.
If you already know that you are interested to present a paper at one or both of the other workshops you can send us the above details, preferably before August this year (we will use this information to keep you updated, to obtain further funding and to explore options for publication).
More information (such as descriptions of the individual workshops) is available on our web site at < Website_Maureen/VIDI_ WORKSHOPS.html>.
The organizers:
Maureen Sie, associate professor practical philosophy
Nicole van Voorst Vader-Bours, PhD student philosophy
Arno Wouters, postdoc philosophy of action
The workshops aim to discuss work in progress, such that subsequent papers can be revised and collectively published (in a special issue or volume). At the workshop 30 minute slots will be available for presentation of the papers, followed by 45 minutes of discussion (including comments of invited commentators). Drafts will be distributed two weeks in advance of the workshop.
For the first workshop, please send an extended abstract (about 1500 words, pdf or plain text) of your intended paper and/or your interest in active participation as a commentator, and a short bio (related to your research) or list of publications before April 8th, 2010 to Nicole van Voorst Vader ([email protected]).
Notification of acceptance will be based on these abstracts and can be expected the first week of June.
The paper itself is expected six weeks before the start of the workshop.
If you already know that you are interested to present a paper at one or both of the other workshops you can send us the above details, preferably before August this year (we will use this information to keep you updated, to obtain further funding and to explore options for publication).
More information (such as descriptions of the individual workshops) is available on our web site at <
The organizers:
Maureen Sie, associate professor practical philosophy
Nicole van Voorst Vader-Bours, PhD student philosophy
Arno Wouters, postdoc philosophy of action